Would you like your data to be clearly structured to enable you to make the right decisions? IBM Cognos helps you make your data manageable and to make decisions based on it. The big advantage of this Business Intelligence package is that it makes data available to all the layers of your organisation, so every employee can make the right decisions based on the same basic dataset.

Make smarter decisions

Although decisions have often been made based on gut feel in the past, that’s no longer necessary. There is so much data available that the facts form a pattern that can provide input about the present, the past and the future. Of course it’s critical that you are working with the right tools, like the IBM Cognos business intelligence suite. This is the best software for presenting data in an insightful manner to all layers of your organisation. Here are a few examples:

IBM Cognos provides quick insights because the data can be presented in a variety of ways, via customised reports, and personalised dashboards.

This Business Intelligence suite can be used via cloud or the solution on premises. You determine where the data is stored and at what cost.

Because all levels of the organisation are working with the same dataset you don’t need to waste time convincing a decision maker about the accuracy of the data.