Gemba IoT Services
Please contact us for more informationWe will be happy to assist you with solutions for the entire chain of Industrial Internet of Things. Gemba uses the IBM Watson IoT-platform as well as the underlying IBM Bluemix functionalities. As this does not cover the entire chain, we make use of the eco-system of our partners. By doing this we can support several parts of the chain, from sensor and network up to analysis and application.
We advise, implement and ensure that the employees within your organisation are able to deal with the new IoT-possibilities. Our people differentiate themselves by their high level of knowledge and practical approach. We perform a no-nonsense approach reserving room for customised solutions.
Gemba actively cooperates with customers and partners to ultimately implement the best IoT-solutions. We provide the following best practices services, among others:
Development of ideas concerning IoT
Proof of Concept development
Support of IBM Watson IoT-Platform
Development of IoT-Strategy
Best Practices
Integration of different systems and data flows
Start-to-end support of IoT-Projects