Corporate Responsibility
Gemba Code of ConductGemba has been striving for years to create a good balance between people, environment and results. It’s a key element of Gemba’s business philosophy that is essential to everything we do. Therefore we try to give attention to what’s happening internally at Gemba, but also what’s happening with our clients and outside our immediate work environment, in our community. We therefore see our corporate responsibility as encompassing People, Environment and Community.

Gemba has put people first since the beginning. Taking care of our people is an investment that pays for itself. In day-to-day operations, as well as during periodic evaluations and away from work, people are at the core of Gemba. We don’t give up on them if they are having a difficult time. On the contrary, we give them extra support and try to keep them in the organisation.
In our Code of Conduct we inform our people how we expect them to behave towards others both during and outside of work. We also plan extracurricular activities, which provide team building and increased commitment among our employees. Since the beginning of 2015 our employee association has led these efforts by planning various sport and
cultural activities.
Despite the fact that Gemba is not a traditional manufacturing company, we’ve always been concerned about the environment. For years we’ve strived to become a virtually paperless office. We facilitate this by having all documents digitally available at all times. We also keep the environment in mind when it comes to our company cars. Driving energy efficient cars is encouraged and rewarded. Needless to say we promote other related issues like recycling and energy conservation. We also offer our people the possibility to work from home, thereby reducing their driving and their CO2 footprint.
Corporate social responsibility is the last pillar of our business philosophy. Gemba has supported a variety of initiatives such as KiKa (Fighting Children’s Cancer), War Child and other charities for years. This year Gemba has begun to expand beyond that to invest time on activities which allow us to directly help people in our own community. Via NLdoet, organised by the Oranje Fonds, Gemba staff volunteer to help with ordinary things our community needs, such as refurbishing local playgrounds or accompanying a group on an outing. For Gemba it goes without saying that we give time and money to those less privileged. We also actively take part in similar activities organised by our clients and suppliers.