Every management team wishes that new business software would run carefree on its own. Thanks to an innovative service, software implementation can now be carried out in a much more concise manner. Traditionally, software implementation took place after the development phase and before the evaluation phase. Because software is often not reprogrammed anymore, implementation has become broader, and it’s now more about software deployment. This encompasses installation, testing and configuration of the software, among other things. Gemba’s implementation service offers you a structured methodology to complete the entire software implementation for your organisation. The advantage of this service is that the process is tailored to your organisation from the start. In addition the controlled methodology results in an efficient implementation, saving time and money.

Gemba implementation method

Gemba has developed its own method of implementation that has proven to be effective in practical applications. The method consists of the following four steps:

Requirements phase: Advisory phase in which the requirements of the client are identified and translated into a functional design.

Planning phase: After approval of the functional design a complete schedule is developed. It provides information on the number of consultants who will be deployed and when. The schedule also includes the points when the client is expected to be involved.

Execution phase: Once the planning has been accepted we begin on the actual implementation. Naturally, the client gets regular updates on our progress during this phase.

Acceptance phase: After the technical implementation has been completed the client needs to sign off on the project. This is formally done by signing an acceptance document.

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